Eventos Orçamentos Convênios

Diretor Técnico
Dra. Maria Paula Tanaka
crm/sp 78.499


Pensando em você, a Nova Kapel traz uma das técnicas mais comentadas e utilizadas na área dermatológica:
O Peeling de Cristal.

Também conhecido como microdermoabrasão, o Peeling de Cristal é um procedimento estético a base de Óxido de Alumínio. É indicado para diversos tratamentos como acne, manchas, rugas superficiais e profundas, cicatrizes e estrias.

Sua técnica consiste na esfoliação da superfície cutânea feita pelos micro cristais que são projetados sobre a pele....

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Treatment without pain

Let the fear of the pain, you no longer need to suffer to enhance your appearance can make use of Botulinum toxin (BOTOX) Filling Facial, Peelings, Laser Hair Removal and other treatments without pain with all the comfort and safety of Nova Kapel.
Schedule an assessment and learn more about the novelty of the Nova Kapel.


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Social Responsibility

Nova Kapel is also concerned with the social side, assisting projects that aim to improve quality of life and welfare beyond the boundaries of our clinic and with Canadian and American missionaries active in providing health care to more people in the village longicuos Our Brazil.

Nova Kapel is proud to be able to help these missionaries who do good service in the riverside population in the river Paraguay and Cuiabá in June this year.
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Campaign Goal of letter

The Nova Kapel thanks all patients and employees as part of social action, which may give a little joy to these children who need care and can rely in the future with other social projects.
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The information in this site are purely informative and educational and not all the technical comments on the site are offered at the clinic, so do not replace a medical consultation. Only in consultation with the professional expert in the area in question is that if you get the information required for each case. If you have any problem or doubt consult a doctor or health care professional. The medical act is a means of activity and not the end result or, as in any practice of medicine. Photos, drawings, diagrams and other figures are purely illustrative.